March has been an exciting month for smartphone launches globally and in India, with the highly-anticipated Redmi Note 10 series being unveiled as well as several other mid-range heavyweights such as the Samsung Galaxy A52, Galaxy A72, and Vivo S9. Then there were the flagship-tier ASUS ROG Phone 5 and Realme GT. We're halfway through the month and the best is yet to come. The next week is going to be jam-packed with high-profile launches, such as the POCO X3 Pro, OnePlus 9 series, and Realme 8 series of smartphones. The Moto G100 and Vivo X60 series will be unveiled too. Let's take a look at what each phone has in store for us.
The list of smartphones that will launch next week
1. Samsung Galaxy A72/A52
2. Realme GT
3. Samsung Galaxy A32
4. Moto G10 Power
5. Moto G30
6. Asus ROG Phone 5
7. Samsung Galaxy M12
8. Oppo F19 series
9. OnePlus 9
10. Realme 8 series
11. Vivo X60 series
12. Poco X3 Pro
13. Micromax In 1